Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova
Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Platonov was the first author whose book from my summer I couldn’t get through. I reread the first two pages first two pages of ‘Kotlovan, ’ but I couldn’t comprehend them. And I read everything I could find, including Crime and Punishment, The Quiet Don, War and Peace. War and Peace, etc. But this year I decided to join the baton of reading Platonov’s works, which traditionally takes place during the Platonov Arts Festival book fair. 

I got piece number 60 — Kreutskopf’s telegrams during his journey to the Moon (the story ‘Lunar Explorations’). A very beautiful text describing the main character’s observations about what happens overboard in his ‘shell’.

7. The rocking continues. The stars physically rumble, bumping along their paths. Of course, their movement irritates the electromagnetic environment, and my universal radio receiver turns the waves into songs. Tell them I’m at at the source of Earth poetry: some people on Earth have guessed at stellar symphonies. symphonies and wrote poetry in excitement. Tell them that star song exists physically. Also tell them: here is a symphony, not a cacophony. Get as many people as you can on interplanetary bombs up into the sky. scary, disturbing and understandable. Invent receivers for this star chime. Please pass it on: humans are wrong about everything, so their story is endless. And here the eyes can see the end, the zenith and the triumph.

Otherwise, of course, the narration is very complicated. In some moments I didn’t even want to know what was next. But still I would like to note that it was very interesting to listen to two hours of people reading to each other in a sunny glade. Below you can get acquainted with some of the relay participants.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Наталья Васильевна Павленко, пенсионерка.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Мария Федорова, ученица.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Галина Фурсова, журналист.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Александр Житенев, филолог.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Елена Разинькова, таможенник.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Ольга Вольна, художница.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Эрнесто, поэт.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Юлия Кириченко, адвокат.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Елена Стукалина, радиоведущая.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Геннадий Панков, «житель родного города».

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Людмина Фоломеева, библиотекарь.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Наталья Сарычева, бухгалтер.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Борис Смирнов, кинооператор.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Виктория Попова, художница.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Алёна Даль, писатель.

Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

Татьяна Данилевская, координатор выставочной программы.


Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

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Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

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Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

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Collective reading at the Platonov Festival Book Fair in Voronezh. Porto Photographer Kristina Brazhnikova

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